Thursday, February 25, 2010

Seven Leadership Habits and Practices

Article by Ken Valenzuela, Chief Editor,

According to Klatt and Hiebert (2001) these are the habits and practices that leaders have. I totally agree with them, and even could be adding some more, but take these as a starting point to assess yourself.

Exercise Iniative. Leaders are proactive, they take full responsibility of their life and don’t go around blaming others. They try to do what they can with what they have, they work in the circle of their influence. They know they can achieve more, if they expand that circle.

Create the Future. Leaders start with the end in mind. They have a clear picture of where they’re moving to, or where they want to be. And that clear image is transfered to their followers, with stories, methaphors, leading by example, and so on… they share that compelling vision of the future with their followers.

Keep Perspective. Leaders know how to stay aligned with the vision. They keep focused on what needs to be done, and has to be done to reach destination. And they help their followers to be focused too. They base their actions on values, not on moods, feelings or trends imposed by others.

Foster Interdepence. Leaders think win-win. They look for agreements and solutions that are mutually benefical to all parties. They look for solutions that “enlarge the pie”.

Show Empathy. Leaders know how to LISTEN. They try to understand first, and then they try to be understood. They practice active listening. They really focus on a conversation and try not to judge the other.

Value Differences. Leaders don’t expect everybody to share their points of view. Instead of that, they really value differences because they see differences as opportunities to new perspectives, ideas and ways to solve problems. They see difference as an ingredient to creativity.

Continually Improve. Leaders continually seek to become more self-aware, and improve in personal life, as well as professional life. They are constantly renewing the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social dimensions of their life. That renewal is the source of a refreshing attitude and self moving spirit that help leaders move ahead every day.


1. Answer the following questions:

a) What of these 7 practices/habits do you handle the best or “is almost natural” to you?

b) What of these 7 practices/habits you completely or almost lack of?

c) What do you think you can do to improve it?

2. Now you have answered the questions in point 1, start doing what you think you can to improve. Don’t allow a second to go by without taking action. Leaders act, leaders perform. Remember… don’t wait for someone to come and help you out, seek help, look for answers, act, act, act!!!

And Be Alert, Be A Leader. :)


Klatt, B; Hiebert, M. (2001)
The Encyclopedia of Leadership, 1st Ed.


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